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‘Dance For Life’
Painting Competition

Dance for Life Charitable Organisation aims to promote dancing as an innate ability to enjoy life, it is an inseparable part of our daily activities. 
The theme of the Competition  is "What ‘Dance and Life’ means to you?" .
Through the painting of the artist, one allows a deeper exploration of the connection between dancing and daily life. By revealing one’s own inner emotions, one arouses the awakening of the viewer’s imagination to create his or her own unique feeling. 

Whether you are a professional artist, student, or a dance enthusiast who loves painting, we welcome your participation! 
Award-winning artworks will be featured in the house programme of the "7th Hong Kong International Egyptian Dance Festival" in November, 2024 as well as on our social media platforms and website. 

The winners will also receive exquisite prizes* 
Calling for all entries NOW!

Let’s explore the beautiful connection between dancing and living through the delicate touches of brushes and paints.

Panel of Judges

Theme: What "Dance and Life" means to you?
Medium: No restriction (watercolor, sketch, oil painting, etc.), the submitted artwork must be hand-drawn and original
Size Limit: A4 (210 x 297mm)
Submission Period: From April 15, 2024, to October 1, 2024, 23:59:59
Entry Fee: Free
Submission of Artwork: Please submit the artwork along with the participant's name to Room 1401, Hong Kong Business Center, 188 Connaught Road West, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong.
The deadline for registration is midnight, October 2, 2024. During the registration period, participants are required to fill out an online registration form.

Registration Form

Welcome to join the competition by fill-in the form and submit your work by the click the button below. 

There are some rules and requirements for the submitted artworks:

  1. Artworks should not contain offensive, defamatory, or any explicit, blasphemous, or discriminatory content, nor should they include any advertising elements.

  2. Artworks must be original and unpublished, and should not infringe upon the reputation, privacy rights, or intellectual property of third parties.

  3. Each participant can only submit one artwork.

The submission method for the artworks is as follows:

  1. Please place the original manuscript of the artwork in an envelope and indicate "Dance Your Heart Out Painting Competition 2024" on the envelope.

  2. During the submission period, participants can either mail the artwork or submit it in person to Room 1401, Hong Kong Business Center, 188 Connaught Road West, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong.

Late submissions:

  1. Please note that if the post stamp dated is later than October 1, 2024, it will be considered as a late submission. Late or insufficient postage mailings will not be processed.

  2. The winning artworks will be featured in the fundraising event program of the "Hong Kong International Egyptian Dance Festival" held on November of 2024, and the winners will receive exquisite prizes. Additionally, all submitted artworks have the opportunity to be showcased on the social media platforms of the Dance for Life charitable organisation, allowing more people to appreciate and learn about the unique works of the participants.

Return of artworks:

  1. Participants will be contacted for retrieving the artworks in four weeks after the event.  

  2. Dance for Life reserves the right to handle artworks which not retrieved in reasonable period. 

The judging panel includes:

  • Ms. Winnie Mak,  Contemporary Ink Painter

  • Ms. Wong Lai Ching Fiona, Senior Lecturer / Subject Coordinator, Hong Kong Art School

  • Ms. Cheung Kit Ting, Founder, Dance For Life Charitable Organisation

Result Announcement:

  • The Competition results will be announced on the Dance For Life Charitable Organisation's website by the end of October 2024.

  • Winners will receive email notifications within one week after the announcement. If a winner fails to respond within one week after receiving the notification, their prize will be canceled and may be awarded to other eligible participants.

Ownership/Intellectual Property:

  1. By submitting the registration form, participants agree to allow Dance For Life Charitable Organisation to handle their artwork. Dance for Life reserves the right to dispose of the artwork at any time after the exhibition. Dance for Life will not be held responsible for any damages or changes to the artwork. Submitted artworks may not be returned to participants after the "Dance Your Heart Out" Painting Contest, so it is recommended to keep electronic copies of the artworks.

  2. By submitting their artworks, participants grant the Dance For Life Charitable Organisation the permission to use, promote, display, reproduce, and distribute the participants' artworks for Dance For Life Charitable Organisation and the "Hong Kong International Egyptian Dance Festival," including but not limited to reproducing artworks on the website, creating artworks by participants through the website, and using artworks in promotional materials on all creative activity networks.

Loss or Damage of Artworks

  1. Dance for Life will not be held responsible for any damages or changes to and loss of the artworks.   

  2. Participants should understand the risk before submitting any artworks.

Personal Information:

  1. All participants under the age of 18 should consult their parents or guardians before providing personal information.

  2. The personal information collected on the registration form is solely for administrative purposes of the "Dance Your Heart Out" Painting Competition by Dance For Life Charitable Organisation.

  3. Each participant guarantees and declares that all provided personal information is accurate and correct.

  4. Each participant confirms their consent to Dance For Life Charitable Organisation using their personal information for the "Dance Your Heart Out" Painting Contest, subject to compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

General Terms and Conditions:

  1. By participating in the "Dance Your Heart Out" Painting Contest, participants are deemed to have accepted and agreed to be bound by this guide, as well as any other instructions, terms, and conditions that Dance For Life Charitable Organisation may publish from time to time.

  2. By participating in the "Dance Your Heart Out" Painting Contest, all participants agree and are deemed to agree to participate in any publicity, advertising, or media coverage as required by Dance For Life Charitable Organisation, without compensation. Dance For Life Charitable Organisation reserves the right to record, film, and/or record the "Dance Your Heart Out" Painting Competition and publish participant images and details for any purpose, without paying any fees or compensation to participants.

  3. Dance For Life Charitable Organisation reserves the right to suspend, withdraw, or cancel the "Dance Your Heart Out" Painting Competition at any time for any reason and to modify the guidelines without prior notice to participants. Dance For Life Charitable Organisation's decisions on all matters related to the "Dance Your Heart Out" Painting Competition  are final, and all disputes will not be entertained.

  4. Participants shall fully indemnify Dance For Life Charitable Organisation for any direct or indirect losses, damages, costs, expenses (including legal fees) incurred or related to any violation of the guidelines and shall hold Dance For Life Charitable Organisation harmless from any damages.

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